Week 3 dinner meals

Hello everyone! Welcoming back to my cooking blog. This week I am going to be focusing on dinner-based meals not only and some mealsI will be making the dinner-based part of the meal and also a side. For this meal I will not be making a side because it is going to be lasagna, and … More Week 3 dinner meals

Week 2 lunch food

Hello my fellow friends! This week for my project I will be focusing on lunch based foods this week. As I have said before in my previous blog last week is I can’t cook, so this project will hopefully help me expand my cooking skills. Keep reading if you’re interested to see what I make … More Week 2 lunch food

“Why blog”

After reading why blog by “Alex Reid” he talks a lot about how blogging can help u become a better writer in the future and talking about the difference in blogging and writing a college essay for example. With this topic, it stands a little bit everywhere with me ! Alex Reid gave a lot … More “Why blog”

How my setup went

Overall this was a interesting project but this was very time consuming. it took me 4 hours believe it or not. it was really frustrating trying to design my website and figuring out what I wanted and how to get it there. I had a lot of trouble finding where to delete texts and remove … More How my setup went

My introduction

Hello friends! im Keyarah im 19 years, old and im going to RCTC to become a veterinarian. I love to be outside and I love ANIMALS!! I have 6 cats and two dogs and I’ve been planning on getting a snake. I have 2 sisters and 4 brothers and I am the oldest of them … More My introduction